What is Required for Proof of Workers’ Compensation Coverage in Florida?

As an employer in Florida, you should be prepared to provide proof of your company’s Workers’ Compensation insurance coverage on the spot. Learning what proof of insurance is, and what documentation is required to prove you are covered, is crucial.

Proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance is documentation that proves that you have coverage that will protect you and your employees in case of a workplace accident in Florida. Most importantly, proof of coverage concerns a certificate of insurance from your Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier. You can obtain this documentation by contacting your carrier in Florida. Several people or agencies might request proof of coverage from your company, like the Division of Workers’ Compensation, employees, or clients. By keeping this information readily accessible, you can easily provide proof of coverage to whoever might ask for it in Florida.

To learn more about what our Florida Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers can do for you, call the professionals at NPN Brokers today at (561) 990-3022.

What’s Required Proof of Workers’ Compensation Coverage in Florida?

Proof of Workers’ Compensation coverage in Florida is proof that you currently have a Workers’ Compensation policy that meets the state’s requirements. Proving that you do indeed have the necessary insurance is relatively simple.

Employers of all sizes in Florida should have proof of Workers’ Compensation coverage easily accessible at all times. This includes certificates of insurance, notices of reinstatements of coverage, endorsements, and records of cancellations of coverage. It is necessary to keep records of all changes in policies and carriers so that you can provide a detailed history of your Workers’ Compensation coverage to anyone who might request it, namely the Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers’ Compensation.

Proof of insurance serves as documentation that you actually do have the Workers’ Compensation coverage you claim you do. Our Florida Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers can help you get a certificate of insurance upon agreeing on a policy with a carrier so that you have the necessary information on hand. Keep all information about your current policy, carrier, premiums, and any other details filed together, as you might need to provide it at a moment’s notice.

Who Might Require Proof of Workers’ Comp Coverage from You in Florida?

Companies might need proof of Workers’ Compensation coverage for several reasons in Florida. Employers typically must provide this information to the Division of Workers’ Compensation. Employees might ask for documentation of insurance before agreeing to work for your company, as might potential clients.

Division of Workers’ Compensation

The Division of Workers’ Compensation in Florida compiles information about employers and their current insurance coverage. When you get Workers’ Compensation insurance, you have to provide proof of coverage to the agency. Again, this means handing over your certificate of coverage and any necessary supplementary materials. This is how the Division of Workers’ Compensation keeps tabs on employers and their adherence to the state’s coverage requirements.

You need to update your proof of insurance with the Division of Workers’ Compensation any time you get new coverage in Florida. So, suppose our brokers helped you find a new policy with a new carrier after your previous coverage lapsed. In that case, you must send that information to the agency so that it can update its records. If you don’t, the Division of Workers’ Compensation might think you are uninsured, which might cause issues for you and your business.


At any point, a current or prospective employee might ask you for proof of Workers’ Compensation coverage. Employees typically want to know if they are covered or not, and a certificate of insurance, as well as detailed information about your company’s policy and its limits, can answer any questions workers might have. Not all employees are always covered by a company’s Workers’ Compensation insurance because of the type of work they do. Proof of coverage can provide the information workers need.

Knowing that an employer has the necessary Workers’ Compensation insurance can make employees feel more at ease when accepting a job. Having Workers’ Compensation makes navigating a workplace accident easier for employers and employees alike, which is why workers might ask for proof of coverage in Florida.


Clients often hire independent contractors, sole proprietors, or larger companies for work. Suppose you or your company is hired to do a construction project for a client. In that case, your client may ask for proof of Workers’ Compensation coverage. This is because your client wants to know that you have the necessary insurance and that they won’t be liable if you are injured while working for them. Being able to provide proof of insurance on the spot can make clients feel as though you are responsible and organized, giving them the confidence they need to hire you for contract work in Florida.

How Can Companies Get Proof of Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Florida?

Obtaining proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance can be accomplished when you accept a policy from a carrier in Florida. If your company doesn’t have a certificate of insurance for whatever reason and need it, simply contact your carrier.

Employers in Florida can easily get a copy of their certificate of insurance and any other necessary information by reaching out to their Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier. Your carrier should respond with the proper documentation relatively quickly, as such information is likely filed away and easily accessible.

You should receive a certificate of coverage after you sign a Workers’ Compensation policy in Florida. Your carrier should give you this information at the onset of your policy. You can and should keep this documentation for your records. Again, if you never received proof of insurance or have since misplaced it, simply get in touch with your current Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier.

Get Workers’ Comp Insurance from Our Florida Brokers Today

To learn more about how the Florida Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers at NPN Brokers can assist your company, call us today at (561) 990-3022.