New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy for Roofing Companies

If you own a roofing company, it is important to understand the Workers’ Compensation insurance requirements your business might be subject to in New Jersey.

Because Workers’ Compensation is mandatory for most businesses, roofing companies typically need insurance. Policies have to cover all necessary workers, including part-time and seasonal employees. Insurance must be in place at all times, meaning roofing companies cannot legally operate without a Workers’ Compensation policy in New Jersey. Insurance rates for roofing companies vary, depending on their specific risk factors. Lowering costs is possible by implementing certain safety measures, such as mandating that yours become a drug-free workplace.

For more insight into how our New Jersey Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers can help your roofing company, call NPN Brokers now at (561) 990-3022.

What to Know About Workers’ Comp Coverage for New Jersey Roofing Companies

As the owner of a roofing company, the consequences will be on you if you do not adhere to New Jersey’s various rules regarding Workers’ Compensation coverage. Because New Jersey determines insurance liability by the size of a company’s workforce, it should be relatively easy for you to figure out whether or not you need to purchase a Workers’ Compensation policy for your roofing company.

Workers’ Comp Must Cover All Employees

Simply put, almost all companies in New Jersey, including roofing companies, need Workers’ Compensation. There are a few exceptions in cases where LLCs, partners, or sole proprietorships do not employ additional workers outside of their founding members. But, generally, all roofing companies have to get Workers’ Compensation. If you hire a roofing contractor, you do not need to provide them with Workers’ Compensation, as contractors are exempt. Outside of those specific situations, Workers’ Compensation is necessary. It must cover all full-time and part-time employees. Workers’ Compensation has to cover seasonal employees as well. Be careful not to misclassify your workers when sending employee information to a Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier, as doing so might lead to improper insurance coverage or skewed payroll information and premiums.

Workers’ Comp Coverage Must Be Constant

All eligible employees must be covered by Workers’ Compensation the moment they start working for a roofing company in any capacity in New Jersey. There cannot be any lapses in insurance at any time. If there are, all operations and projects must cease until the necessary workplace liability insurance is acquired. No business, roofing or otherwise, can operate if they are in violation of New Jersey’s Workers’ Compensation laws. If you find yourself in such a situation, our Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers can help your roofing company get a policy quote within 24 hours so that you can resume operations as soon as possible. In the event that a roofing company operates without the necessary Workers’ Compensation coverage, it might be heavily fined. Fines range in severity but could add up to thousands of dollars. Additional financial consequences may be applied to roofing companies whose employees are injured when they do not have Workers’ Compensation.

Assessing Workers’ Comp Costs for New Jersey Roofing Companies

When it comes to Workers’ Compensation, costs tend to be higher for companies that present a greater risk to insurance carriers, such as roofing companies. That said, insurance does not have to put a financial strain on your roofing company just because it is high-risk.

Roofing companies that go to our brokers for insurance quotes can get assistance when reviewing possible premium costs. While you should not have to pay absurd rates for Workers’ Compensation, it is important to understand the risk your business might present in terms of workplace liability insurance. For example, roofers are more likely to fall from great heights because of the type of work they perform. These kinds of accidents could cause broken bones and spinal cord injuries or, in the best-case scenarios, fractures and sprains, which are still injuries that require medical attention. Roofers also work with materials and tools that might be more likely to cause puncture wounds or other injuries that require time off from work.

So, Workers’ Compensation premiums might start at a higher rate for roofing companies than they do for others that are at a lower risk for workplace accidents, such as retail companies. Costs are then increased if a roofing company has specific elevated risk factors, such as an extensive history of workplace accidents or a very large workforce. Newer roofing companies might see higher Workers’ Compensation rates initially as well.

Workers’ Compensation and Drug-Free Workplace Programs for New Jersey Roofing Companies

Like many states, New Jersey encourages employers to establish a drug-free workplace. By doing this, high-risk companies, like roofing companies, can lower their Workers’ Compensation premiums over time.

By enforcing a drug-free workplace, roofing companies can limit the number of workplace accidents they see among employees, which might directly impact their Workers’ Compensation premiums. Unfortunately, the likelihood of on-the-job incidents increases when workers are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is only heightened when employees operate in dangerous environments, as roofers do.

When employers maintain drug-free workplaces, they can dissuade employees from using illicit substances because of possible drug testing. This can be done when an employer is suspicious of an employee’s substance use, especially if they were recently injured in a workplace accident in New Jersey. There are limitations to drug testing and specific procedures employers must follow when drug testing employees.

Even if you do not believe that drug or alcohol use is a problem among your workforce, starting a drug-free workplace program can still benefit your roofing company. That is because Workers’ Compensation carriers often respond positively to employers that take such initiative regarding maintaining a safe working environment.

Call Our New Jersey Brokers to Get Workers’ Comp Insurance

Call our Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers at (561) 990-3022 to speak with NPN Brokers today.