How to Get Workers’ Comp Proof of Coverage in California

Getting a certificate of your company’s Workers’ Compensation policy is important so that you can prove that you have the necessary coverage to anyone that might be interested, including government agencies that enforce Workers’ Compensation compliance in California.

Companies can obtain certificates of insurance by contacting their insurance carriers for Workers’ Compensation in California. Once you have proof of your policy, send that proof to the Division of Workers’ Compensation so that its records are accurate. Keep copies of your certificate of insurance, as you might be requested to produce proof at any given time. If you cannot prove that you have a Workers’ Compensation plan in place, your company could be heavily fined by the California Division of Workers’ Compensation.

For help getting insurance, contact NPN Brokers’ Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers by calling (561) 990-3022 today.

Getting Workers’ Comp Proof of Coverage in California

To get a certificate of coverage confirming the fact that your company has Workers’ Compensation, you will most likely have to reach out to your insurance carrier in California. Insurance companies are the only entities that can issue proof of coverage certificates.

When you get a policy from our California Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers, your new carrier should provide you with a certificate of workplace liability coverage. This document will contain information about your company’s carrier, its policy, and the date that your coverage began. You can then use this document as proof of the fact that your company is properly insured.

Suppose your carrier did not provide you with this proof upon agreeing to a policy, or the certificate has since been misplaced. In that case, you can contact your company’s Workers’ Compensation carrier to request another certificate. Although important, proof of insurance is a relatively simple document that contains basic information. This means that it should not take long for your carrier to send you a certificate of liability insurance once you request one in California.

There is no other source from which companies can obtain proof of their Workers’ Compensation policies. The only suitable form of proof of insurance comes in the form of a certificate from a company’s workplace liability insurance carrier. After you receive your copy, keep it in a safe place in case you need to access it urgently for whatever reason.

Submitting Workers’ Comp Proof of Coverage in California

Once you attain proof of your business’s Workers’ Compensation coverage in California, you must submit it to the proper parties. This includes the California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Workers’ Compensation.

The Division of Workers’ Compensation in California requires companies to submit insurance certificates. This is mandated so that the Division of Workers’ Compensation can more easily monitor possible non-compliance. The Division of Workers’ Compensation also provides a search tool that employees or other parties can use to confirm a company’s insurance compliance.

The Division of Workers’ Compensation might ask for updated proof of your company’s Workers’ Compensation policy at any time. Furthermore, if your old coverage has ended and you have gotten a new Workers’ Compensation policy, you must send the agency that information and updated proof of insurance. It is best to do this immediately so that there is no unnecessary confusion about your company’s adherence to Workers’ Compensation requirements in California.

Nearly all business need to get Workers’ Compensation policies in California, as most businesses employ at least one worker. That means that the vast majority of companies must send proof of the fact that they have workplace liability coverage to the Division of Workers’ Compensation. If your company is exempt or otherwise does not need to get insurance, you can still purchase a policy for added protection. If you do, send proof of your policy to the Division of Workers’ Compensation as well.

Keeping a Copy of Workers’ Comp Proof of Coverage in California

It is a wise idea for companies in California to keep copies of their certificates of insurance. If you are then asked to produce it, whether by the Division of Workers’ Compensation or by an employee, you can more easily do so.

It is always good to be able to confirm the fact that your company has Workers’ Compensation to whoever might ask about its coverage. For example, employees might inquire about your Workers’ Compensation plan during the hiring process. If you can show prospective employees a certificate of coverage, that might assuage any concerns they have. Similarly, clients might request to see proof of your company’s insurance coverage when agreeing to hire your business for a project. If a worker requests to see proof of insurance during the hiring process, and you cannot show them that proof, they might report your company to the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement in California. The same could be said for clients that wish to see a certificate of coverage.

To reiterate, you might face the consequences if the Division of Workers’ Compensation asks for another copy of your company’s proof of insurance and you cannot provide it. In these situations, the Division of Workers’ Compensation might proceed as though your company does not have insurance and impose fines accordingly. Because this is a criminal offense, consequences are serious and equate to a fine of no less than $10,000, a year in jail, or both penalties. There may be additional fines of $100,000 for non-compliance in California. Of course, if you are insured, you will not face such consequences. However, things might become complicated if the Division of Workers’ Compensation assumes your company is without insurance because you cannot prove otherwise.

Companies can also digitize certificates of insurance so that copies are easily accessible should they have to be accessed quickly.

Call Our California Brokers About Getting Workers’ Comp Today

Call our California Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers at (561) 990-3022 to get help from NPN Brokers today.