Workers’ Comp Insurance Policy for Coffee Shops and Cafés in Florida

Workers’ Compensation coverage requirements in Florida vary from business to business. In all likelihood, if you own a coffee shop or café in Florida, you will need comprehensive insurance.

Coffee shops and cafés in Florida should get Workers’ Compensation insurance to protect them from litigation should a workplace accident occur. Getting insurance can also allow owners to ensure they are not subjected to fines and other penalties for non-compliance. Baristas are especially prone to workplace accidents because of their interaction with hot coffee and machinery, which might cause serious injuries like burns and repetitive motion injuries. Pay-as-you-go insurance might be appealing to coffee shops and cafés with ever-changing payroll numbers. Even if a café has a history of workplace accidents, owners can still find affordable Workers’ Compensation insurance in Florida.

To get an insurance quote from our Florida Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers, call NPN Brokers today at (561) 990-3022.

Reasons Why Coffee Shops and Cafés in Florida Should Have Workers’ Comp Insurance

Workers’ Compensation insurance for coffee shops and cafés in Florida is important and often necessary. Most coffee shops and cafés are required to have Workers’ Compensation in Florida, based on payroll numbers alone. Without insurance, coffee shops and cafés may face litigation following a workplace accident as well as other financial repercussions. Because certain injuries and accidents are often more prevalent in the food service industry, including among coffee shop and café workers, having Workers’ Compensation insurance is crucial.

Employee Injuries Are Common

Any business that is part of the food service industry, including cafés and coffee shops, should typically have Workers’ Compensation coverage in Florida. Certain injuries are more common among baristas and servers. For example, baristas working with hot espresso machines and coffee, which can reach temperatures that cause scalding injuries, might suffer serious third-degree burns. The process of making coffee or cooking certain foods found in cafés might cause repetitive motion injuries as well as slip and falls. Wrist, back, and shoulder injuries are common among baristas and other café employees as well. Our Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers can help you find a policy that covers these injuries and any other injuries workers might sustain at your coffee shop. Workplace accidents are common in high-traffic environments where employees interact with customers and meet high demand, like cafés and coffee shops.

Businesses Can Avoid Financial Liability

A lawsuit arising from a workplace accident can be financially crippling for a coffee shop or café in Florida. These are typically small businesses owned by families or entrepreneurs trying to make a name for themselves. When coffee shops and cafés are without Workers’ Compensation coverage in Florida, they might be sued by workers injured on the job. Workers’ Compensation insurance prevents this possibility by being the only way injured employees can recover compensation after an accident at a coffee shop or café in Florida, provided they are covered. A workplace accident lawsuit can financially hurt even large coffee shop chains if they do not have Workers’ Compensation coverage in Florida.

Businesses Can Avoid Penalties for Non-Compliance

Coffee shops and cafés typically employ many types of workers, from cooks to baristas. If you have four or more workers employed by your business at any point in Florida, you will need to purchase Workers’ Compensation insurance. Not having coverage might mean you are hit with financial penalties from the Division of Workers’ Compensation in Florida. Stop-work orders can be especially detrimental to small business coffee shops or cafés that depend on daily traffic to stay financially viable in Florida. Penalties for non-compliance with the state’s Workers’ Compensation laws might put cafés and coffee shops of varying sizes in difficult positions, which is why adhering to coverage requirements is crucial.

Popular Workers’ Comp Policies for Coffee Shops and Cafés in Florida

The workforce of any given coffee shop or café in Florida might differ dramatically throughout the course of a year. Typically, these businesses are staffed with young people who move on within a matter of months. That is why pay-as-you-go insurance is one of the most popular types of Workers’ Compensation policies among coffee shops and cafés in Florida.

If you own a coffee shop or café in Florida, you might have a revolving door of employees. Some baristas might leave to go to college and return during breaks. Others might see a job at your coffee shop as short-term and transitory. Because of this, a flexible pay-as-you-go insurance policy might be the best way for your coffee shop or café to maintain Workers’ Compensation coverage at an affordable rate.

With pay-as-you-go insurance, our brokers can send real-time payroll information to your carrier each month. This lets your premiums adjust according to updated payroll numbers, meaning the amount you pay monthly can reflect current employees.

Finding Insurance for Cafés and Coffee Shops in Florida with Prior Workers’ Comp Claims

Because workplace injuries are common among employees in the food service industry, including baristas and servers who might work at a café or coffee shop, some businesses might struggle to find coverage. Even if you have a history of workplace accidents in Florida, affordable Workers’ Compensation insurance may be available.

It is not uncommon for baristas and other coffee shop workers to sustain injuries like burns and fractures in Florida. This might mean that your café has a history of Workers’ Compensation claims, increasing your risk factors and making finding coverage more difficult.

Our brokers can work with high-risk businesses to find a carrier that offers flexible and inexpensive insurance that still provides comprehensive coverage to coffee shop employees. Within a day or so of getting the necessary details about your coffee shop or café, we can source quotes from reliable carriers that allow you to get the protections you need for your business in Florida.

Learn Your Workers’ Comp Insurance Coverage Requirements Today

Call NPN Brokers at (561) 990-3022 to speak with our Florida Workers’ Compensation insurance brokers about finding a policy today.